Need to debate nuclear option

Madam, - The juxtaposition of two recent items in your newspaper demonstrates vividly the urgent need for Ireland to consider…

Madam, - The juxtaposition of two recent items in your newspaper demonstrates vividly the urgent need for Ireland to consider the introduction of nuclear power.

In your Editorial of September 9th on climate change you refer to the consequences of global warming and the shocking indifference of the public and governments to this threat. You point out that "carbon trading" allows us to pretend that we are taking action, whereas we are merely storing up trouble for the future. It is notable that you have no positive suggestions for dealing with the threat.

On the next page we read about the impending increases in electricity and gas prices, and the adverse consequences these will have for business and the less well-off. There is no mention of ways to reduce the impact of these and future price rises.

Fossil fuels will inevitably become more expensive and less secure. At the same time, the demand for energy will increase. Neither wind, tide nor solar power can fill the gap. Nuclear power is the sole source of energy that is economical, secure, safe and does not emit greenhouse gases.


So why is it against the law to use it to generate electricity, and why is it not possible even to have a Dáil or Seanad debate about it? - Yours etc,

DAVID SOWBY, Dublin 18.