Neglected Painters

Sir, - I am happy to inform Gerald Davis (September 5th) and your readers that this gallery is mounting an exhibition of work…

Sir, - I am happy to inform Gerald Davis (September 5th) and your readers that this gallery is mounting an exhibition of work in November by Arthur Armstrong, Gerald Dillon, George Campbell and Daniel O'Neill. For 1998 I am mounting an exhibition of work by Nano Reid and have commissioned a new exploration of the work of Hilary Heron and expect to have that exhibition in early 1999. And for the past eight weeks I have had a work by Charles Brady on exhibition, as I preferred to make it a bouquet and not a wreath.

This gallery may be a temple of the arts, but not a mausoleum, so that many living senior Irish artists will also be exhibited over the next two years in this space. - Yours, etc., CIARAN MacGONIGAL,


RHA Gallagher Gallery,


Ely Place,

Dublin 2.