Neglecting Clondalkin

Madam, - I was surprised recently to learn that the Bank of Ireland branch in Clondalkin village has been relocated to Newlands…

Madam, - I was surprised recently to learn that the Bank of Ireland branch in Clondalkin village has been relocated to Newlands Cross. As I understand it the rationale behind this move is insufficient parking facilities in Clondalkin village. Am I therefore to expect Bank of Ireland branches, particularly those in more affluent areas where there is inadequate parking, to be also relocated? I doubt it.

Of course the reason offered by the Bank of Ireland is spurious. The truth is that Clondalkin and its surrounding area have not enough money or clout and are therefore once again the object of neglect by our politicians, both local and national, and the high financiers who operate the Bank of Ireland.

One has only to look at the state of repair of the four primary schools in the parish of Rowlagh and Quarryvale, and the silence of our local and national representatives, to see that the closure of the Bank of Ireland in Clondalkin village and the similar silence around the issue are just more indications that the people of Clondalkin are being ignored and forgotten by those with power. - Yours, etc.,

Fr DECLAN MORIARTY, PP, Wheatfields Close, Clondalkin, Dublin 22.