Negotiations for a government

Madam, - As the Greens chew over a possible deal with "the Devil" it's interesting to see that their gnawing and spitting over…

Madam, - As the Greens chew over a possible deal with "the Devil" it's interesting to see that their gnawing and spitting over the past decade regarding genetically modified crops and their pre-election desire for a so-called "GM-free Ireland" have been moved to the side of the plate.

Currently in Ireland there is a GM potato field trial option approved until 2010 and GM products are used in all elements of the Irish feed and food chain. Can the taste of power make anything palatable - or have the Greens finally digested the scientific facts that approved GM crops are safe and here to stay? Somewhat like the Green Party? - Yours, etc,

SHANE MORRIS, Coolkill, Sandyford, Dublin 18.

Madam, - Ultan Murphy (June 6th) may know a thing or two about Irish politics, but I suggest he keeps his theories on climate change to himself. While we are all entitled to our opinions, his statement that CO2 emissions are not a cause of increasing global temperatures is ill-informed, irresponsible and ignorant of all documented and published facts on this topic.


His idea goes against all recent findings of the vast majority of scientists, climate change experts and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Why am I not surprised he is an active member of Fianna Fáil?

FF may not need the Green Party to "keep them straight or clean them up", but we could all do with having the Greens in government to safeguard the country against the ridiculous opinions held by Mr Murphy.

Global warming is dominating the agenda at the G8 summit. It's a pity it wasn't so high on the list of priorities of the Irish electorate. - Yours, etc,

DAVID McGUINNESS,  Grangebrook Avenue, Dublin 16.

Madam, - Enda Duffy of Labour Youth wants his party at the next elections to offer voters a leftist option based on the principle "from each according to his needs, to each according to his ability" (June 2nd). If that slogan is leftist, then the Taoiseach may be a socialist after all.

Karl Marx foresaw society progressing ultimately to an ideal stage when it could "inscribe on its banner: to each according to his needs, from each according to his ability". Presumably this ideal (suitably adjusted to include the aspirations of women) is what Labour Youth has in mind. - Yours, etc,

MICHAEL DRURY, Avenue Louise, Brussels, Belgium.

Madam, - Why can't we have the government for which, it seems, most people voted - an alliance of FF and FG?

It makes more sense than being governed by Uncle Tom Cobley an' all. - Yours, etc,

UNA MAHONY, Maywood Crescent, Dublin 5.