Netanyahu’s comments on the Holocaust

Sir, – On the whole, western politicians and media have uncritically followed Binyamin Netanyahu's lead and his narrative regarding the Palestinians and the events currently unfolding in the occupied territories, despite many obvious untruths and obfuscation. It appears, however, that his laying of the blame for the Holocaust at the feet of the Palestinians is too much for anyone with a shred of sanity, decency or knowledge of history ("Netanyahu backtracks on Holocaust remarks after uproar", October 22nd).

I suggest there is an urgent need for all who have compliantly accepted the accounts of Mr Netanyahu and his government, and who have uncritically reproduced the reports and press releases of the IDF, the Likud government and other interested parties, to revise the facts of the situation and not lend themselves to what is proving to be murderous propaganda. – Yours, etc,


Bray, Co Wicklow.