New Atlantic Charter

Sir, – The UK's sausage war against Europeans (Fintan O'Toole, "'Sausage wars' are a distraction from Johnson's porky pies", Opinion & Analysis, June 15th) is one part of the fantasy dish served at the G7 summit.

The “New Atlantic Charter” signed by the UK and US completed the serving of wartime nostalgia. For a prime minister that yearns to be compared to Churchill and a UK fixated on the second World War, this may have been appetising, with warships in the background and ministers wearing Union Jack socks as accompaniments.

For everyone else, the proposition that the UK is entitled to decide the next course for the world alongside the US, as happened in 1941, is distasteful, arrogant and myopic. In reality, the 1941 Atlantic Charter heralded the end of colonialism and the end of the British Empire as an equal to the US. While Mr Johnson is serving up fantasies, the rest of the world is ordering reality. – Yours, etc,



Gros Islet,

St Lucia.