New maternity hospital and turf wars

Sir, – The two voluntary hospitals involved in the current turf war over control of the new maternity hospital appear not to have to answer to any higher authority.

Why will the HSE or the Department of Health not take control of the problem and impose a solution?

Your correspondent, Paul Cullen ("Turf war at heart of dispute between Holles Street and St Vincent's", May 5th) correctly points out that in a turf war between two hospitals, the interests of the patient come last.

– Yours, etc,




Co Wexford.

Sir, – The wonderful article by Michael Keane, clinical director of St Vincent's Healthcare Group (Opinion, May 5th), proclaims the benefits of a single system of governance for Holles Street hospital and St Vincent's.

What impressed me most in Mr Keane’s article was that he completely omitted any reference to the fact that Catholic-controlled hospitals forbid the provision of modern contraception services, IVF and sterilisation operations.

This striking omission is evidence that people are correct to be concerned about a lack of independence for the maternity hospital on the St Vincent’s campus.

While Mr Keane argues that two independent hospitals would lead to an increase in delays and litigation, I think one hospital under Catholic governance would be a terrible failure on behalf of the women using the Holles Street hospital services. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 22.