Nice Treaty Referendum

Sir, - I fail to understand the combination of moral superiority and moral cowardice that the opponents of the Nice Treaty bring…

Sir, - I fail to understand the combination of moral superiority and moral cowardice that the opponents of the Nice Treaty bring to their argument. Ireland's neutrality has been an issue twice in our history. During the Second World War it was a national imperative and incredibly successful to our interest - while also being morally insupportable considering the depredations being perpetrated within the Nazi Empire. During the Cold War, we had the luxury of a NATO nuclear umbrella free of charge and a trouble-free conscience.

However, times have changed. We are now active members of an economic, political and cultural alliance. We have partners and allies whose interests are inextricably linked with ours. Europe's wealth and latent power also give us the moral imperative to give succour to those areas of the world where post-colonial strife continues. That can mean a transfer of money or the insertion of troops. Closer to home, it also means that if an ally is attacked we must lend all the resources we have to offer. If that means Irish men and women dying on German or possibly Polish or Czech soil then so be it, for they are ultimately giving their lives for us.

A confident Irish people can do noting less than emphatically endorse our European citizenship by voting Yes to Nice . - Yours, etc.,

P. Bowler, Garville Avenue, Rathgar, Dublin 6.