Nice Treaty Referendum

Sir, - Despite the reservations of Kevin Myers (An Irishman's Diary, May 15th) regarding the decision of Gerry Adams and his …

Sir, - Despite the reservations of Kevin Myers (An Irishman's Diary, May 15th) regarding the decision of Gerry Adams and his buddies that Sinn Fein will be recommending a No vote in the up-coming Nice referendum, I find their stance perfectly logical. After all, hasn't Ulster always said No? So there!

On the other hand, the Shinners may have astutely foreseen that those who take a Yes side will most likely, in the very near future, become known as Unionists. Perish the thought, said SF! Oh for the good old days of straightforward politics. SF really had to make Hobson's Choice in the matter. Maybe Bertie's prediction of things coming full circle will come to pass sooner than we might have expected.

For myself, having listened to the outpourings of the various politicos, I have decided to vote a definite Maybe! - Yours, etc.,

John Newman, Dublin 11.