No country for young people?

Sir, – For years now, the older generation has been front-loading costs onto the shoulders of the younger people of our country, those who did not emigrate. From childcare costs, educational fees, medical insurance, housing, car insurance and a minimum wage, the scope for the younger generation to enjoy life has been reduced in order to maintain the circumstances of those who have already danced.

Would it be possible, as an initial gesture, nay, apology from the older citizens, that all surplus funds arising in the economy be ring-fenced for young people for the next 10 years? I am thinking, for instance, of a properly subsidised transport system in which those under 25 are able to travel freely, reducing the burden on jobseekers, students and the low paid. Add to this an increase in child allowance to those earning under a certain limit. Restore or improve the social welfare payments of young families and provide a 24/7 mental health service for our stressed and pressurised young fellow citizens.

Personally, I would prefer any tax surpluses were spent on those who are carrying the can. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 24.