No thank you for the music

Madam, - Words fail to describe how annoyed I was at last Saturday's patronising Irishman's Diary by somebody called Michael…

Madam, - Words fail to describe how annoyed I was at last Saturday's patronising Irishman's Diary by somebody called Michael Parsons. I was at the Neil Diamond concert on Saturday night. (By the way, it was a concert, not a gig - we do music, not noise!)

Those of us there behaved impeccably. Nobody climbed on the shoulders of their husbands (or anybody else's husbands, for that matter). It was a great night. Mr Parsons doesn't have a clue. His humourless piece was insulting and condescending, and unleavened by the humour that is a feature of your regular "Irishman". He's too naive to realise it now, obviously, but one day he'll appreciate good music, in civilised surroundings. Incidentally, my 24-year-old son agrees with me. I'll go with him. I'm not for the scrap-heap yet! - Yours, etc,

JUNE D'ALTON, Rathasker Heights, Naas, Co Kildare.