North-South Co-operation

Sir, - Gerry Moriarty's report (The Irish Times, August 29th) about the unprecedented level of North-South co-operation by the…

Sir, - Gerry Moriarty's report (The Irish Times, August 29th) about the unprecedented level of North-South co-operation by the North-South Ministerial Council under the Belfast agreement is extremely encouraging. The report quoted in the article was quite correct in recording the level of co-operation attained at Government level as one of the "unsung successes" of the Belfast agreement.

It's important to remember, however, that work being conducted at grass-roots level by youth and community groups, small and medium sized enterprises, regional development groups and others throughout Ireland is of equal importance. Like the work conducted at governmental level, these groups are "operating quietly and successfully with much work of substance being achieved without controversy or dissension."

Both governments should be commended for their commitment to working the provisions of the Belfast agreement relating to North-South co-operation. However, the work of promoting North-South understanding involves all of civil society and it is vital that the governments extend their commitment by ensuring adequate resources for those who are actively involved in making peace work on the ground. - Yours, etc.,

Tony Kennedy, Chief Executive, Co-operation Ireland, Dublin 2.