Not all pun and games

Sir, – I wonder am I the only one who is weary of the puns appearing in the letters page, usually concerning serious issues. The most recent examples concern the bin charges and waste disposal letters (June 21st). Does The Irish Times seriously consider such schoolyard witticisms as "another fine mess" and "remain as we have bin" to be worthy of publication, or to be of any value whatsoever to the debate?

If this is all that some readers can add to the discussion, it reinforces my firm belief that we Irish have zero sense of outrage, and are content for our Government and their vested interests to treat the people with utter disdain, be it in relation to bin charges, water charges, the health service or any other matter of public interest. Ah, sure it’s all grand as long as we can crack a joke about it.

Could we please consign the one-liners to the online comments section, and instead keep the letters page for reasoned debate and observations instead of childish wordplay? – Yours, etc,



Churchtown, Dublin 14.