Not everyone is against Trump

Sir, – In writing about Donald Trump, Noel Whelan (Opinion, July 29th) notes that "friends of the US and fans of US politics watch the rise of Trump with a heavy heart".

He speaks for himself. As someone who considers himself a friend of the US I have watched much of the coverage of the primary season. On the Republican side I had a preferred candidate who was not Trump. I do however respect what Trump has achieved as a businessman and the fact he is not a figure from the political establishment is a big plus. I deplore his bellicose manner and below-the-belt insults but I would choose him as president long before Hillary Clinton whose shortcomings are legion but very much under-reported.

The US has had eight years of President Obama whose mantra was “yes we can”. History will record his presidency as “no he didn’t”. A mediocrity, he promised so much and delivered so little. Many believe a Clinton presidency will offer more of the same while others believe a Trump presidency will shake up the status quo.

If elected, I hope he does. Our own mediocrities may learn a thing or two.


– Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.