Not the time for commercials

Madam, - Last Thursday night RTÉ screened the BBC production Auschwitz: The Nazis and The Final Solution

Madam, - Last Thursday night RTÉ screened the BBC production Auschwitz: The Nazis and The Final Solution. Unlike the BBC, RTÉ showed advertisements during this distressing and harrowing account of genocide in Europe. We heard Rudolph Hess's cold account of his role, accompanied by pictures of the dead and re-creations of conditions within the camp. With hardly a pause for breath we were being lured to buy clothes, hair conditioner, cherries and men's underarm deodorant.

RTÉ is well funded though commercial revenue and the licence fee. Perhaps it should resist the temptation to exploit the dead of Auschwitz for its own commercial gain and leave such worthy documentaries free of advertisements. - Yours, etc,

WILLIE O'REILLY, Merton Crescent, Dublin 6.