Nuns and the religious life

Sir, – For some considerable time now I have regarded the commentary on religious sisters, in some media outlets and in areas of public debate, to be both unfair and unbalanced, indeed in some cases vitriolic. I have waited and hoped that some nun would come out publicly in defence of these women. Well done to Sr Una Agnew (May 19th). I hope that her contribution will give courage to others, and this long silent voice will make its presence felt in the public square. – Yours, etc,



Co Galway.


Sir, – I was taught from the age of three by a Marist nun who died about a year ago, aged 102.

I owe a lifetime of gratitude to her and to her colleagues who led exemplary lives and worked for no earthly reward. In the modern, materialistic Ireland, it often happens that very little credit is given to those who do likewise. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 4.