Nurses' Pay Claim

Sir, - It is clear to anyone that the nurses' strike is not only about pay. Back in 1997 a nursing commission was set up

Sir, - It is clear to anyone that the nurses' strike is not only about pay. Back in 1997 a nursing commission was set up. The Department of Health has failed to move on the majority of its recommendations. Nurses at the time decided not to strike because they trusted their employer to carry out its promises.

I'm glad the nurses did not fall for Mr Cowen's ruse of suddenly holding talks a day before the strike. What exactly was he doing up to that point? Nurses are right not to trust the Minister based on past performance. Trust can be restored only through continuous action. Vague promises of implementation will no longer hold water. - Yours, etc.,

Barry Hazel, Grosvenor Court, Vernon Avenue, Dublin 3.