O'Neill Premieres

Sir, - Your Arts Page (October 22nd) reports that the Wooster Company of New York intended to give what it claims would be the…

Sir, - Your Arts Page (October 22nd) reports that the Wooster Company of New York intended to give what it claims would be the Irish premiere of Eugene O'Neill's The Hairy Ape, but that it will give the Irish premiere of O'Neill's The Emperor Jones instead.

Hilton Edwards and Micheal MacLiammoir gave the Irish premieres of most of O'Neill's plays at the Gate Theatre, starting with The Hairy Ape on October 28th, 1928 (it ran for three weeks). The Emperor Jones was played for a week (in tandem with Show's The Man of Destiny) from October 19th, 1942. - Yours, etc., Richard Pine,

Grosvenor Park,

Dublin 6.