Obesity and the car

Madam, - Your feature writers are wondrous coy when they come to discussing the main cause of obesity in our affluent Western…

Madam, - Your feature writers are wondrous coy when they come to discussing the main cause of obesity in our affluent Western societies.

Staring us in our adoring faces is the car: their car, your car, my car. The car first fosters and then carries our obesity - to work, to school, to shop, to pub. Without the car we are like junkies without drugs.

The car has become a god. And like all gods the car demands bloody sacrifices, Will we ever relent? Fat chance of that. Let the non-conformists and heretics who walk and cycle take heed: we superior types are car-eering in the fast lane to wherever the car is taking us captive. - Yours etc.,

Co Galway.