Occupied Territories Bill

Sir, – Jackie Goodall (Letters, April 18th) speaks of planning permission and demolition as though Israel's Civil Administration in the West Bank (a body overseen by the Israeli military) were a legitimate and normal authority which treats all residents equally. In fact, Israel's Civil Administration has long weaponised its planning policy to thwart the development of Palestinian communities, and facilitate the expansion of Israeli illegal settlements. Within Area C (65 per cent of the West Bank) Israel's Civil Administration controls all planning, and rarely grants planning permission to Palestinians for new builds, extensions or even renovations. Inevitably, Palestinians are forced to build without planning permission, and live under threat of demolition.

Israeli human rights group B’tselem reports that since 2006, Israel has demolished over 1,548 Palestinian homes in the West Bank (not including East Jerusalem), leaving 6,773 people homeless.

By continuing to allow the import of produce from Israel’s illegal settlements, we are incentivising the Israeli state to continue its policies of oppression in the West Bank. It is time for Ireland to end its complicity in war crimes in the Middle East and elsewhere.

The past few weeks have shown us that when the political will exists, Dáil Éireann can pass much-needed legislation swiftly and harmoniously. The Occupied Territories Bill has wide cross-party support and is endorsed by a former attorney general. I call upon all TDs to ensure that the Bill is passed into law; it has been delayed for far too long. – Yours, etc,



Donnybrook, Dublin 4.