OECD and doctors' earnings

Sir, – Paul Cullen reports that Irish doctors are among the best paid in the world (“Irish hospital consultants among world’s best paid, OECD finds”, July 8th).

He quotes the OECD in claiming that GPs earn on average €115,000 per annum.

While this is not an inaccurate reading of the figures it is neither an accurate nor complete reading either.

The OECD report states in small print that these figures exclude the costs of running the practice business.


The report also excludes the FEMPI 2014 (Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest) cuts, experienced by GPs, of nearly 8 per cent.

The report figure came off pre-costs income, in effect doubling its impact. Small print stuff no doubt but as we all know that’s where the important stuff lies.

No wonder GPs, young and old, are leaving Ireland in droves for Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the Middle East. – Yours, etc,



Co Meath.