Oireachtas summer recess

Madam, - In response to your Editorial of August 2nd, I would like to make readers aware, despite assertions to the contrary, …

Madam, - In response to your Editorial of August 2nd, I would like to make readers aware, despite assertions to the contrary, that the business of Government does not come to a standstill during the summer months.

Each year elected representatives continue to attend committee meetings during July and September. Indeed, there were 34 such meetings in July 2005 after the plenary session was completed and there were 32 meetings in September 2004. The work of the Oireachtas committees is an integral part of the activities of an Oireachtas member, and affords an opportunity for careful consideration and debate not always allowed in the Dáil chamber.

The Cabinet also continues to meet during July and September and Ministers continue to manage on a daily basis the many issues for which they have responsibility. The summer recess provides TDs and senators with an opportunity to deal with constituency matters and the reality is that no deputy takes more than two or three weeks' holidays due to ongoing work commitments.

With regard to our legislative record, I would like to clarify that since September 2004 alone, we have published 31 bills, enacted 34 bills, and passed 31 bills. The level of legislative activity by this Government is virtually unparalleled compared with our EU counterparts.


There is, however, always room for improvement. With this in mind, as Government Chief Whip I have been working with opposition parties towards Dáil reform. I will be meeting opposition Whips again in early September with a view to increasing Dáil sitting times and generally making the Dáil more efficient and effective. I am looking forward to one particular initiative in relation to e-democracy/online consultation. This initiative will give members of the public the opportunity to make their views on forthcoming legislation known to members of a Dáil committee via the internet. - Yours, etc,


Government Chief Whip and Minister of State, Department of the Taoiseach,

Dublin 2.