Oliver Callan on FG leadership

Sir, – Oliver Callan is a terrific comedian and mimic. But as a political columnist, he is bitter and crass ("Leo and Simon are the brand leading the bland", Opinion & Analysis, May 29th).

The mocking, derisive tone of his piece on the Fine Gael leadership contenders is a case in point. Should you not think for a moment whether such appalling stuff is partly responsible for the general cynicism and disengagement about politics which puts people off becoming full citizens of our democracy, a democracy which we’re lucky to have? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 4.


Sir, – What a marvellous antidote Oliver Callan is to those who would have us believe that the election of the next Fine Gael leader should be viewed with the same childish excitement as the opening of the tuck shop at Clongowes or King’s Hospital. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.