On The Buses

Sir, - Our public transport company, CIE, has an enviable record for dedicated inefficiency

Sir, - Our public transport company, CIE, has an enviable record for dedicated inefficiency. However, it has not previously been accused of cruelty. The appalling decision some years ago to suspend all buses on Christmas day, thus depriving many less well-off people in Dublin of the opportunity of visiting each other, was an indication of the way things are going. Now we learn that none of the 180 new buses will have facilities for the handicapped.

Contemporaneously with this unfeeling decision, new licences have been granted to taxi-drivers on condition that their cars have facilities for the handicapped. Surely it is the State sector that should be leading private enterprise in morality, and not the other way around. In the circumstances, if a visitor were to ask what the "C" in CIE stands for, would one be unfair to reply "Cruelty" Iompair Eireann? - Yours, etc., Ulick O'Connor,

Fairfield Park, Dublin 6.