Ongoing St Patrick’s seminary controversy

Sir, – For centuries the Catholic Church chose heterosexual men for priesthood. But the spiritual training of those men was designed to help them overcome and forget their sexuality. The heritage of that approach has been that heterosexual men now, by and large, shun the seminaries.

Maybe the time has come for the church to accept heterosexual men for priesthood – with all their sexual baggage of love, marriage and children; and equally to accept gay men for priesthood with their sexual baggage of love and marriage.

It’s a thought for the hierarchy. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 6W,

Sir - Patsy McGarry (Opinion, August 3rd) describes an unfortunate public relations disaster for the Catholic Church, and while it maybe titillating to some, it must be distressing for all those associated with the college. But such controversies are nothing new.

Henry Chadwick's Augustine, A Very Short Introduction, refers to St Augustine 354-430AD, bemoaning the fact that people brought their old problems with them when they entered the monastery, and quotes him as saying that "there are crooks in every profession".

– Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.