Opening the flood gates

Sir, – The Flood Relief Works along the River Dodder from Ballsbridge to Ringsend in Dublin 4 have almost been completed. Walls and banks have been raised, and no less than six mighty flood gates, that could hold back a Niagara in spate, have been installed. This should all allow the residents of the area to sleep more soundly in their beds.

These flood gates are held in the open position by impressive padlocks and bolts. Keys and other tools are needed to allow the heavy gates to be manhandled into position in the event of threatened high water. It would be reassuring to know that a Dublin City Council crew, trained and practiced in the operating of these gates, and with a knowledge of where the keys are kept, was standing by.

This was not the case two years ago, when the first new flood gate at Londonbridge Road was called into service during a November storm. Nobody knew where its key was, and eventually fire brigade personnel had to jemmy open the padlock. A pathetic debut. Fortunately St Jude spared us on this island the worst of his wind and rain on Bank Holiday Monday. But if he had not been so considerate, I wonder if our much vaunted flood gates would have been able to save the day? – Yours, etc,



Tritonville Lane,

Sandymount, Dublin 4.