‘Operation Transformation’

Sir, – Dr Jacky Jones takes issue with RTÉ's Operation Transformation programme (Second Opinion, January 27th), calling it "superficial". Her definition differs from mine. Is it superficial to help create much broader public engagement around the risks and determinants of obesity, to inform campaigns for reform at government and industry levels, or to champion and promote important public health policies?

Safefood recognises that Operation Transformation has created a much-needed national debate about personal weight and long-term health. Prof Niall Moyna at the School of Health and Human Performance in DCU, as well as Prof Donal O'Shea, a leading expert on obesity and a consultant endocrinologist, both believe the series has a powerful message for the public.

Far from being a simplistic reality show, RTÉ's Operation Transformation demonstrates that taking a holistic approach to food, fitness, lifestyle change, emotional wellbeing and mental health are key to making lasting changes.

RTÉ is proud of the contribution Operation Transformation has made to Irish health awareness over the last eight years. – Yours, etc,



Head of Lifestyle, RTÉ 1,

Donnybrook, Dublin 4.