Orange March In Dublin

Sir, - I have mixed feelings about the projected Dawson Street parade by the Orange Order

Sir, - I have mixed feelings about the projected Dawson Street parade by the Orange Order. On the one hand, I do admire the Dublin Lord Mayor's very generous expression of tolerance and good will, and applaud her obvious respect for diversity. One can only hope that the Orangemen will learn something from her splendid example.

On the other hand, I am somewhat ambivalent about the parade itself. In the Dublin context it could well be regarded as a folksy, harmless affair, and probably will be if the protesters so allow. But in the wider context of Orange marching in the North, such parades are much more than displays of folk culture and are certainly not harmless.

An Orange historian John Brown wrote: "Where you could walk, there you had dominance and other things followed." Recent events indicate that Orangemen are still imbued with ascendancy attitudes, and remain determined to march in areas where, unlike Dawson Street and for very different reasons, they are not welcome.

I hope the Orangemen enjoy their day in Dublin, but that they aren't comforted by a wrong message. The wrong message is that if they can march in Dawson Street they can march from Drumcree. The right message is that it is good to parade where, following dialogue with the host community, you are invited and welcome.


I sincerely admire the tolerance of the Dublin Corporation. But I also remain ambivalent because of the inherent intolerance of Orangeism. As a great Presbyterian liberal once said, "Intolerance is the only thing which cannot easily be tolerated." - Yours, etc.,

William Brown, Greenan Road, Loughbrickland, Co Down.