Orange Order And UUP

Sir, - It is quite evident that the Ulster Unionist Party is certainly in need of revision of its rules, because what is happening…

Sir, - It is quite evident that the Ulster Unionist Party is certainly in need of revision of its rules, because what is happening at present is laughable if - it were not so serious for such a large and respected party.

For example: Mr Denis Watson, grand secretary of the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland, shows sheer audacity and crass hypocrisy when reported as having said that "many Orangemen are deeply hurt by the proposal to formally break the link between the order and the UUP." How can he make such a statement when, according to reports, he has recently joined the DUP? Do I take it that Mr Watson is really concerned by the intent to formally break the link?

Then we have the grotesque anomaly of Mr Peter Weir, who has had the party whip withdrawn from him within the assembly party yet is still able to remain a member of the UUP executive, subsequently becoming the UUP candidate for North Down in the next imperial parliamentary election. My party needs a root-and-branch examination quickly. The whole situation is absolutely crazy.

I am reminded of the quotation: "The place is full of fawning, sneaking and flattering hypocrites who will do anything for their own advantage." Maybe it is time such blatant humbug and party disloyalty were flushed out and fully exposed. - Yours, etc., Sam Foster,


Assembly Member, Fermanagh and South Tyrone, Parliament Buildings, Belfast 4.