Orla Tinsley's hospital diary

Madam, - Thank you for carrying the diary of Orla Tinsley (Opinion Analysis, October 14th). It would make the stones weep

Madam, - Thank you for carrying the diary of Orla Tinsley (Opinion Analysis, October 14th). It would make the stones weep. And then angry. Angry at the imbeciles who clog up AE departments because they drink too much; angry at whatever bureaucracy and/or vested interest is holding up proper reform of the health service; and angry at gombeen politicians who play games with people's expectations, for example by making casual announcements of non-existent plans for specialist units. - Yours, etc,

SEAMUS McKENNA, Farrenboley Park, Windy Arbour, Dublin 14.

Madam, - I would like to congratulate Orla Tinsley for her starkly honest article on the experiences of the chronically and terminally ill in Irish hospitals. She illustrates simply and clearly the lonely, disquieting world of those patients who are assimilated and marginalised, however unintentionally, by an unwieldy system. - Yours, etc,

ADAM TRODD, Stillorgan Road, Co Dublin.


Madam, - Orla Tinsley's article embarrasses us all. Where are the rest of us, while she and countless others continue to suffer? Her bravery highlights most people's apathy. Our health service is a disgrace to us all, and we are tolerating it much too quietly. - Yours, etc,

ROSEMARY MacCABE, Oughterard, Straffan, Co Kildare.