Overcharging by AIB

Madam, - I must congratulate you on your Editorial of May 26th, "A decision for Mr Gleeson"

Madam, - I must congratulate you on your Editorial of May 26th, "A decision for Mr Gleeson". The latest problems at AIB relating to the overcharging of trust account customers come soon after the revelation of overcharging for foreign exchange and, before that, the scandal of DIRT accounts and the unbelievable $600 million Rusnak affair.

Much discussion and speculation has taken place in each instance as to who was responsible and who knew about it at senior level. But surely the ultimate responsibility must lie with the chief executive. If this were a British bank, the chief executive would either have been fired, or would have had the good grace to step down. Regrettably there appears to be no such thing as accountability in this little country of ours. It is absent in the public sector and now the private sector appears to have the same flaw. - Yours, etc.,

RONAN GAYNOR, St Gabriel's, Cabinteely, Dublin 18