Overcrowding at the crib

Sir, – If Bishop Burrows wants to play the Christmas grinch (“Not meaning to crib. . .” Home News, December 17th) then he’s going to need to choose between the shepherds and the wise men and not have both there. Luke tells us of the visit of the Shepherds (Lk. 2:8-21) and no mention of Wise Men or Magi and Matthew omits any mention of shepherds and tells us of the wise men (Mt. 2:1-11) so it’s one or the other.

Or even better, Bishop Burrows could simply enjoy the pageantry of the stories and marvel at the fact that people still want to remember and celebrate the Christmas story despite the objections of those who should know better. Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.

Sir, – The Irish Times Letters page: no better place for a “crib” at Christmas. – Yours, etc,


Co Kildare.