Paisley's Perceptions

Sir, - I first became aware of Northern politics in the 1960s, when the Rev Ian Paisley wailed about the Republic as been ruled…

Sir, - I first became aware of Northern politics in the 1960s, when the Rev Ian Paisley wailed about the Republic as been ruled from Rome and gave the impression that this was the biggest obstacle to opening dialogue with Free Staters.

Since then the South has changed utterly. We have rejected much of the teaching of the Catholic Church. We have abandoned our claim to the Six Counties. We have nothing left on which to compromise, except maybe to fly the Union Jack (currently suffering its own identity crisis!) over the GPO.

Trade between Britain and Ireland is running at record levels. Many of our businesses are subsidiaries of British companies. We have no problem identifying with the victorious exploits of Manchester United in Europe.

Yet Rev Paisley is still moaning.


We have heard about poor losers; but a leader who does not realise that he has won creates a climate in which good men on all fronts perish. Maybe he should change sides and start all over again! - Yours, etc.,

John F. Higgins, Allen Park Road, Stillorgan, Co Dublin.