Pakistan's Nuclear Bomb

Sir, - The first nuclear bombs, dropped on Hiroshima and Nagaski were, although largely developed by Jewish scientists, "Christian…

Sir, - The first nuclear bombs, dropped on Hiroshima and Nagaski were, although largely developed by Jewish scientists, "Christian bombs". Almost immediately a multi-faith Russian bomb was developed; later a Jewish bomb (and the man who revealed this was kidnapped from both England and Italy and imprisoned in "democratic" Israel for life). This month the world learned of a Hindu bomb.

It is only when Pakistan, a predominantly Muslim country, joins the mad world of "Mutually Assured Destruction" that a draconian - and all-embracing - embargo is slapped on the country, led by the country that began the madness. Is this about nuclear lunacy - or the fact that it is Islamic nuclear lunacy? - Yours, etc., Felicity Arbuthnot,

London €9,
