Palestinian Bedouins

Sir, – Recent steps that Israel has taken to relocate forcibly as many as 7,000 Palestinian Bedouins from 46 communities in occupied Palestine are deeply concerning.

The plan includes transferring Palestinian communities from the politically sensitive “E1 area” in order to expand the illegal settlement of Ma’ale Adumim.

Such a move would destroy any chance of a viable Palestinian state by effectively cutting the West Bank in two.

Despite strong opposition from the international community, the Israeli government has taken a number of steps recently to advance this plan, including starting work at one of the sites to which Palestinians will be forcibly transferred.


The Israeli government has also taken steps to transfer forcibly Palestinian communities in other areas of occupied Palestine.

Only a few weeks ago, Israeli officials visited Susiya to map the village ahead of its demolition. Local residents fear this means the Israeli authorities are planning to demolish the village in the near future and hand the land over to illegal Israeli settlers.

Having visited the area in 2013, we know the the devastating impact this will have on the community there. Families in Susiya will be left homeless.

Given the urgency of the situation, it is vital that Ireland calls on the Israeli government to immediately freeze all settlement activity and demolition orders, and cancel all transfer plans. – Yours, etc,




Leinster House,

Dublin 2.