Palestinian rights

Madam, - Monty Ross, an inveterate defender of Israel, refers to my "fixation with the fence to keep out suicide bombers" (November…

Madam, - Monty Ross, an inveterate defender of Israel, refers to my "fixation with the fence to keep out suicide bombers" (November 21st).

Nobody, including the Palestinians, would object to the fence, barrier or wall, were this its purpose, and were it built on the so-called "green line". This was made explicit in the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice condemning its construction as illegal. The reality is that the wall is being built within the illegally occupied West Bank, and that its function is to annex Palestinian land.

Mr Ross is "afraid that the reputation of the International Court of Justice is about as unsullied as the reputation of the UN". Clearly, for him any international body that condemns the crimes of the Israeli state is thereby sullied. However, considering that Israel remains the only state actually to have been set up by the UN, he should perhaps moderate his condemnation of that institution. - Yours, etc,



Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign,

Dame Street,

Dublin 2.