Parcel Post

Sir, - I recently visited my parents for the weekend in Limerick

Sir, - I recently visited my parents for the weekend in Limerick. I did not have time before leaving my home in Belfast to post a parcel to my sister in Hong Kong. I decided it didn't matter as I could send it from Limerick instead. It was an A4 paperback book that I was sending and I had an idea of how much the postage should cost to send it by airmail.

I was totally stunned when I was told at the post office that it would cost me almost £15.00 to send it airmail and almost £7.00 to send it by surface post! I had to ask the assistant if she was joking. I told her to forget it, that I could send it from Belfast for about £5.00 airmail. The assistant told me that if that was the case, she would consider travelling across the border just to send her parcels.

I cannot understand how there can be such a huge difference in postage costs between the two countries and I advise those south of the border to come to Northern Ireland to send your parcels and save a fortune! - Yours, etc.,

University Street, Co Antrim BT7 1HE, Northern Ireland.