Parking in the suburbs

Madam, - I'm not sure why Redmond Holloway (February 11th) is so exercised by parking meters in the suburbs and their impact …

Madam, - I'm not sure why Redmond Holloway (February 11th) is so exercised by parking meters in the suburbs and their impact on the character of suburban roads. Without any recourse to local authorities, Irish householders are destroying their own flowery faubourgs.

Unbidden, they are feverishly paving and concreting over their front gardens to make room for more and bigger cars. With tacit approval from the Garda, they park on grass verges, which are soon bereft of grass and also end up being concreted over.

Now Mr Holloway wants further subsidised car-parking, this time in the form of multi-storey buildings. And this is with the aim of preserving the character of our suburbs? - Yours, etc,

MIKE NORRIS, Cabinteely Green, Dublin 18.