Paws for thought

A chara, – It seems that the dogs in the street, not to mention the cat in the weighing room, are intent on discussing the elephants…

A chara, – It seems that the dogs in the street, not to mention the cat in the weighing room, are intent on discussing the elephants in the room in relation to Nama until the cows come home.

The recent demise of the Celtic Tiger, followed by the inevitable chickens coming home to roost, has led to the Government being accused of making a dog’s dinner of the economy, while Nama is portrayed as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, with the taxpayers being led like lambs to the slaughter to buy a pig in a poke. Defenders of Nama accuse their opponents of inventing cock and bull stories, living in cloud cuckoo land and being as mad as March hares.

Our developers complain of kangaroo courts, while our neighbours see us as the black sheep of Europe.

In the week which saw the death of the Lion of the Senate, following a summer where it rained cats and dogs, is Nama as dead as a dodo or is the Opposition flogging a dead horse? – Is mise,



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