Paying for the roads

Madam, - Your Editorial of May 17th on road tolling makes interesting reading

Madam, - Your Editorial of May 17th on road tolling makes interesting reading. Among other things, it states: "But those who use the new roads should pay for them rather than expect the general taxpayer to do so".

I agree with the principle that the taxpayer should not be asked to pay, but I think there is a better and fairer way to fund these roads. I suggest that the Government raise the capital in the first place and pay for it by putting an extra cent or two on fuel.

This would mean that road users all over the country would pay an equal amount, but not all taxpayers. It would also be fair to all road users, and those who use the roads more would pay more. I can see no good reason why a road user living in a toll area should have to pay daily for the use of this "new" road, while his cousin in a different part of the country travelling exactly the same mileage pays nothing for using "old" roads. - Yours, etc.,

BRENDAN MURRAY, Cathedral Road, Cavan.