Paying the property tax up front

Sir, – Thank heavens for Peter McNamara (October 26th) whose letter consoled me that I wasn't the only one bamboozled by the letter from Revenue regarding Local Property Tax.

Notwithstanding an honours degree in English, I found the correspondence utterly confusing. Why is one being asked to “commit to your payment option” by November 27th, 2013, for a tax payable on March 21st, 2014? And if one should choose to pay online by credit card, will that payment be deducted then and there, ie before November 27th next (therefore clashing with Christmas bills and expenses!)? Anyway, what if we don’t “commit” before the November 27th deadline? Will we then be barred from using an online payment option later? Is it that those of us who are fully tax compliant are now also considered a soft touch to be tapped early?

Perhaps the Collector General could simplify the process by allowing us to choose a payment option in the days and weeks before the March 2014 deadline, instead of writing to us with a deadline some four months before the actual due date. – Yours, etc,




Co Clare.