Sir, - Among the many articles written on the political demise and public shame of Mr Haughey, one in particular sticks in my…

Sir, - Among the many articles written on the political demise and public shame of Mr Haughey, one in particular sticks in my mind.

John Waters compared him to an ancient Gaelic chieftain, whose wealth and well-fed sleekness was a reassurance to the tribe that all was well. Reading some of the more selfrighteous comments on what has happened to the former Taoiseach, I am reminded of yet another supposed custom with regard to Celtic chieftains - that when he grew too old to perform any useful function, the tribe ritually slaughtered him and elected another in his place. Perhaps this is what we are witnessing this week; those who worked with him, served under him, and made a public show of their friendship and loyalty to him, these are the very people who delight in his evisceration, all in a mad rush to ensure that their dagger finds its mark. Not so much "Et tu, Brute" as "Et tu, Bertie"! - Yours, etc., TONY CORLEY,

London W8.