Payments To Politicians

A chara, - It now appears certain that after the publication of the report of

A chara, - It now appears certain that after the publication of the report of

Judge McCracken we will require a follow-up tribunal. In broad terms this inquiry needs to examine whether a "golden circle" contributed financially to the personal coffers of Charles Haughey when he was Taoiseach, and whether political favours were returned for this largesse. I think such terms of reference to be much too narrow. Undoubtedly the truth about the golden circle, or the green circle, that surrounded Charles Haughey needs to be fully exposed.

But are we naive enough to believe that all our other Taoisigh were immune to outside influence? Is there only one golden circle linking Irish business, the professions, and Irish politicians? And is there no circle, other than a golden one, to which a politician can be in thrall? What of a circle that influences events through its very existence, and within its own membership, like the Freemasons, Opus Dei, the Knights of Columbanus, the Trilateral

Commission? - Is mise, Padraig Mannion, Woodbrook Glen, Bray, Co. Wicklow.