PD defections to Fianna Fáil

Madam, - Cllr Mags Murray, the sole PD member of Fingal County Council, had been waiting since last summer to take the plunge…

Madam, - Cllr Mags Murray, the sole PD member of Fingal County Council, had been waiting since last summer to take the plunge and jump into the Fianna Fáil pool ( The Irish Times, February 9th).

The slow drip, drip, drip of defections from the PDs to FF was accurately described by a FF party source with the remark: "We're not trying to make waves".

This S&M behaviour by the PDs and their FF masters must cease. The remaining PDs should be rounded up en masse and consigned post haste to the FF gene pool. That will make a bigger splash and put an end to the prolonged defections once and for all. - Yours, etc,

PATRICK O'BYRNE, Shandon Crescent, Dublin 7.