Pedestrians and bicycles

Sir, – Joe Noonan welcomes, as I do, the pedestrianisation of city streets in Cork (Letters, April 20th). But while remarking that, like all change, it will face challenges, he sadly does not mention that pedestrianisation should mean just that. Is it that, as a cyclist, he sees it differently?

Gone are the days when the bicycle was a sedate method of getting around. The modern cycle, using super-efficient high-tech gears, can travel quietly at speeds up to 60km per hour, and is a mechanically propelled mode of conveyance.

The safety of pedestrians should be paramount in any such development. The mixing of cyclists and pedestrians is tantamount to injury of our less mobile population. Of course, cyclists must be catered for in the plans, but totally separated from those on foot. – Yours, etc,




Co Cork.