Pension Funds

Sir, - The changes in pension fund legislation in the upcoming Finance Bill have understandably caused grave "concern" to the…

Sir, - The changes in pension fund legislation in the upcoming Finance Bill have understandably caused grave "concern" to the assurance industry, given that they will deprive that industry of vast sums of annuity money. Concern for pensioners in this case easily translates to "deep grief" for their own potential losses.

The intervention of SIPTU is an entirely different and extremely puzzling matter. When Des Geraghty describes the changes as a "gamblers' charter" and threatens to sabotage Partnership 2000 unless they are amended, it must rank as one of the most outrageous insults ever made to hard working and conscientious citizens who have been responsible enough to build up their pension funds. The implication that these people are so stupid that the moment they get any kind of "serious" money they will indulge in an all-out spending spree says much more about the "Big Brother" attitude of SIPTU than it does about its members.

I cannot believe that SIPTU is so old-fashioned in its outlook and wonder what the real agenda is. - Yours, etc., Donal C. Moran,

Cairn Hill,



Dublin 18.