Pier D plan at Dublin Airport

Madam, - Your edition of May 27th reports that the Aer Rianta monopoly has announced it has spent an incredible €7 million of…

Madam, - Your edition of May 27th reports that the Aer Rianta monopoly has announced it has spent an incredible €7 million of taxpayers' money on Pier D when not a single blade of grass has been touched.

What exactly was the €7 million spent on? Consultants' reports? Fancy architects? Engineering meetings? Expensive lunches? Or was it on Noel Hanlon's PR consultants?

The taxpayers of this country are entitled to an explanation. We are calling on the Department of Transport immediately to publish a detailed analysis of how exactly one can spend €7 million of taxpayers' money without a single shovel being lifted. - Yours, etc.,

PAUL FITZSIMMONS, Head of Communications, Ryanair, Dublin Airport.