Pigeon House Harbour

Sir, - I refer to Frank McDonald's article in your issue of November 5th concerning the Pigeon House Harbour and Dublin sewage…

Sir, - I refer to Frank McDonald's article in your issue of November 5th concerning the Pigeon House Harbour and Dublin sewage.

In the first years of this century Dublin Corporation decided to locate sewage sludge beds within the large stone-built Pigeon House Harbour. It was not a time when civil amenities for the people of Dublin were rated very highly. Now, nearly 100 years later, when the opportunity has come again to develop in this historic harbour a nature and recreation amenity, the City Council seems to be deciding to take out the sludge beds and fill a large part of the harbour with a plant for sewage treatment instead.

Must this be done? Is it really, as Frank McDonald implies (The Irish Times, November 5th) too late for a change of plan? Is there not an alternative site available? The problems facing the city administrators must be recognised in such an important project, and of course they must find solutions. But is there now no voice at all being raised in the council for the better use of the whole harbour and its river front at this end of the century, as an important and possibly profitable focus of activity?

If we can possibly prevent it let us not give posterity an opportunity to raise its eyebrows at us. If indeed it cannot be avoided, then it must be endured, but it will surely be a pity. - Yours, etc.,


Cullenswood Gardens, Dublin 6.