Piping water from Shannon to Dublin

Sir, – I am at a loss to understand the extraordinary plans to spend up to €900 million to construct a water pipeline from Parteen to the Dublin region: there will, of course, be massive annual running costs, legal fees, consultants' fees, etc.

Recently it was revealed that in the different areas of Dublin between 40 per cent and 60 per cent of the water is wasted through leaks. That is to say, approximately 50 per cent of the water flows into drains and ultimately into the sea. So now Irish Water, already having made so many controversial decisions, is planning to pump huge quantities of water across Ireland so that half of it will end up in the Irish Sea.

It seems to me that Irish Water would be better employed in repairing these leaks as a matter of urgency, rather than spending vast sums on what will ultimately be a white elephant. – Yours, etc,



Doonbeg, Co Clare.

Sir, – “Draining the Shannon” was the dream of many politicians since the foundation of the State but no scheme ever worked. Who would have thought the solution was as simple as getting the Dubs to drink it? – Yours, etc,



Sir, – More than 200 years ago Irish navvies dug a “trench” from Shannon Harbour to within spitting distance of Peamount, Co Dublin. Why not use the bed of the Grand Canal to lay the pipe from the Shannon? – Yours, etc,


Blessington, Co Wicklow.

Sir, – I read with great interest your report on the proposal to divert the waters of the Shannon to Dublin. This is fantastic news. Happy are those who believed that the election promise of Dev to “drain the Shannon” would be fulfilled. Yes, and Trump has also promised to “drain the Washington swamp”. Somehow I do not believe the aquatic life on the Potomac is in any immediate danger. – Yours, etc,

