Pirate Radio

Sir, - Michael Foley's article on radio pirates (The Irish Times, August 29th) was a piece of thought-provoking journalism

Sir, - Michael Foley's article on radio pirates (The Irish Times, August 29th) was a piece of thought-provoking journalism. Readers may remember the Irish Christian Broadcasting Service (ICBS) which, although it did not carry advertisements and therefore was not infringing commercially on "legal" radio stations, was forced to close with the Radio and Television Act of 10 years ago, while unlicensed broadcasters continue to defy the law. The effect of the non-policing of this Act is to give the green light to transgressors and to curtail the operations of those who would have an influence for good on our community.

UCB Europe is to my knowledge the only remaining dedicated "Christian" radio station available on our airwaves. UCB broadcasts until 11 p.m. on 1386 MW, 99.8 FM and on the Astra satellite. Many other radio and television stations also broadcast quality "Christian" material at certain times.

Sir, may I urge those readers who care enough about the moral future of this country to vote with their ears by discriminating in favour of "Christian" radio and television and by boycotting unlicensed operators. - Yours, etc., Michael Thompson,

Brookfield Place,



Co Dublin.